ice breakers

美 [aɪs ˈbreɪkərz]英 [aɪs ˈbreɪkəz]
  • 网络破冰游戏;酷力冰;企鹅消冰块
ice breakersice breakers
  1. Other firms are trying ice breakers to bring workers closer together .


  2. When you have trouble practicing meditation , consider experimenting with meditation ice breakers .


  3. Years ago , back before the ice breakers , this water would freeze over in winter sometimes , all the way across .


  4. Grandpoppy Ralph had smelt like onions and had been a member of the Frankston Ice Breakers for 51 years .


  5. I always travel with nuts over chocolate Luna bars , spicy red pepper flakes , and peppermint ice breakers gum .


  6. In this article you are going to learn how to make a FLUENT first impression in English based on these 3 most important aspects youre going to be faced with every time , greetings / hellos , introductions / ice breakers and goodbyes .
